
Foul Weather And Foul Moods Afoot

Dear Mr Weather Man,

FYI...... I live here.

Yeah, I know that one's a little hard to read.

So let me begin again,

Dear Mr. WeatherIdiot,


Specifically so that I don't have to see any of this......

And what did I spy when I looked outside the other day!!!

Curses and more Curses!!!

Luckily we had these "gifts" that we haven't had the chance to "regift".

This cold air phenomena is making the whole house act a little crazy.

Even poor Seadog doesn't quite know how to behave....

Next week I better see some of this or we're going back to the olde wyves waye of casting the weather!!!


Who Says Frivolity Can't Be Frugal?

Lookie here!!! Lookie What I Got!!!

Mirrored Op Art

Mirrored Op Art

This modern 3 dimensional sculpture by Kenneth Wingardplays with light and shape in a way that can make a room. This glittering piece of wall art is made of dozens of mirrors attached to moveable wires. This sculpture is perfect for above a bed, sofa or any blank wall that needs some "pop". This Op Art sculpture measures 25" on diameter. Wall mounting included.
Mirrored Op Art pad$218.00pad

And do you think I paid the glamour price? Nooooo!!! 

I got it at a YARD SALE!!!!  

I traded a crisp $20 bill for it! 

See!! Here it is!!!! 

Here it is on a buff wall........

Stunt shot of it on a blue wall......

Bedecking a Red wall.

I admit, I LOVE yard sales. I love plundering through the junk to find the treasure. Going to them is a luxury that I have not been able to enjoy for some time now. Today was the magic day and I found a fun treasure to start decorating the new ship!! Please forgive the poor photography and do your part by helping this poor wyfe decide which wall it should decorate...... 

Buff, Blue, or Red.

Disclaimer: I have no grand prizes other than a shout out and a BIG Thank you!!


It's Like a Game of I Spy!!

I Spy with my little eye.........

The contents of a Junk Drawer!!

What on earth will we find in here? Gold maybe?

Hey!! Here are my glasses I can never find!! Now I will be able to see!
  (and maybe take a picture that is actually in focus!)

Still blind and taking pictures.... I come across an assortment of grooming aids
  (now I can get all pretty for Blackbeard!)

I can fix my hair now too!!

Here is some booty I like to decorate myself with......

Air mattress plugs for missing air mattresses, playing cards and an assortment of writing devices that may or may not be filled with liquid ink.

Radios for camping trips, an ipod hard drive 2 magnifying glasses and 3 deathtraps for vermin. The list goes on and on and on......