Anybody besides me have a nephson?

He's my heart if anyone ever was. I like to torture him by telling him how exciting it was for me the day he was born, as well as any other big life moments of his. Like all teenagers, his response is a dramatic eye-roll and something to the effect of "Don't you have any new stories?"This year he is a senior in high school.

He is steadily counting down the days until he is free of compulsory ed
ucation and off to spend his relatives hard earned money on just the right school of higher learning.

Today we began our University Education Shopping.....
There is nothing better than going back to school. Especially when you know that you are helping to find the right fit for what will be the most definative time of a young adult's life. (and especially since I won't be the one having to buckle down and study.)
We obediently wandered around following our tour director/student/sales rep.
Most campuses have some of these.

and these

and these.

Bonus Boy tagged along for early exposure.

He was most concerned with the whereabouts of the dining hall.
These made my heart go pitter pat.....
(It was very difficult to maintain my composure when we passed the second one.....)

This was a little secret surprise.......
Over all I'd say that things hadn't changed much since my co-ed days.....
Stay tuned for more inland adventures....
2 Share Some Wind....:
I'm loving hearing about you via the blog. Keep it up! And, to add stories about the nephson... and he can't stop me since he doesn't even know I've met him... do you remember how his favorite toy was a kid's frying pan that you bought him? He used to sit on the floor and bang that thing over and over. Did he become a drummer? He should definitely explore the musical rhythmic bent he had naturally.
Ahoy,Mates...........Have Blackbeard and his Wyfey had to walk the plank never to be heard from again??????
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