I don't know what lucky accident did it, but there is happy dancin' goin' on here!! I'm going to stop the tinkering for awhile and get back to the tale telling........

Saving the Ship from Certain Doom.....
I don't know what lucky accident did it, but there is happy dancin' goin' on here!! I'm going to stop the tinkering for awhile and get back to the tale telling........
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
8:23 AM
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I was SO Proud of the blog template I nabbed the other day!!! It had Ships and a Cup of Coffee, and a certain level of sophistication that I liked a lot.
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Blackbeard's Wyfe
9:06 PM
1 Share Some Wind....
Blackbeard's Wyfe would like to thank her 2 paid viewers for their kind patience over the past few weeks. You see, Blackbeard's Wyfe has endured what could be politely termed "glitches" with her blog.
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Blackbeard's Wyfe
11:22 PM
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As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
9:23 AM
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Here's my recommended reading. I wish I knew what happened to my copy, but this woman started a little newsletter that turned into several books. I had some friends that wore the tightwad badge so proudly, that they split the price of a subscription.
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Blackbeard's Wyfe
9:14 AM
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My heroine Bossy is starting a get out of debt club. I'm in even though I don't feel like we are really poor by the world's standards. On our ship will really NEVER truely know what it is like to be truely hungry. We might be eating Ramen noodles and drinking koolaid, but we are eating. Driving used cars, taking day trips instead of real vacations, and working over 200 overtime hours just this year so far.
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Blackbeard's Wyfe
4:15 PM
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Labels: How to Be Poor
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
9:26 PM
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Labels: Real Estate