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Missing My Dad
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
11:43 PM
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The Old Salt......
A couple of years ago Blackbeard and I bought our current house and remained in our same neighborhood to remain near to both of his parents.
By near, I mean 4 blocks from the Old Salt, and 2 blocks from Mama Blackbeard.
(Thirty-odd years ago, they separated to their own quarters and never divorced.)
Luckily, both parents of Blackbeard are alive and sailing the seas of retired adventure.
So about a year ago, Old Salt decided that he needed some shipmates and rather than move us onboard to his his ship, he took quarters in the chamber next to the deckhands (aka eating machines).
Since moving in much has changed around here.
SeaDog and Sister Sarah no longer heed my beck and call.
They are never far from the Old Salt and his endless supply of biscuits and cookies. If he leaves, they sigh and pace around until he returns. Before he gets to the door, they bark for joy and dance to welcome him home!
They carefully sniff him to make sure that he is safe from harm and that no strangers assaulted him while he was away from their careful protection. They show him how since he left them they grew weak from hunger and that now their ribs are showing.
They guide him back to his room and show him how well they guarded the treasures he keeps on the shelf. Then they encourage him to take the treasures from the shelf so that he can see for himself that they haven't moved at all in his absense.......
You don't need me to tell you how this story ends.....
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
12:11 PM
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Labels: The Old Salt
8 Years Ago.......
Eight years ago Blackbeard decided to make an honest woman of his wyfe!!!
We went down to the local Magistrates office, pushed our way through the rabble and ne're-do-wells to the front of the line and declared our intentions. We filled out the form, pushed it back through the little gap in the glass all the while grinning like the giddy lovebirds we were.
Next we heard "Everything seems to be in order here........That will be $20.00." Blackbeard reached into the pocket where he keeps his loot and proudly shoved a rectangle shaped piece of plastic through the little gap in the glass. The Magistrate looked down at the payment, pursed his lips, shifted his weight and said "Um....We only accept cash."
Blackbeard withdrew his wallet from his pocket, replaced the refused plastic and searched around for the requested green paper bills. Out came a five, and 2 one dollar bills. He flipped around searching through the secret compartments used for hiding money and found a ticket stub, a driver's license, grocery club card, decrepit library card and a scrap of paper with ancient scribble on it. He looked at me "Do you have any money?" " Why would I have money?" I replied. He looked around at the group of rabble and ne're-do-wells to see if he recognized anyone who might make him a loan.
"Here." came a voice from behind us. We turned to see my wonderful aunt rooting around in her bag of goodies. Out came the requested funds which were quickly shoved through the little gap in the glass.
The Magistrate smiled broadly, shooed off the riffraff and ran for his robe. We followed the kindly man to a beautiful courtyard were he commenced with the ceremony.
A few short moments later, I was elevated from the lowly status of "gyrlfrynd", to the exalted stature of "Wyfe".
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
4:07 PM
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The Wyfe Returns.................
Where do I start?
How can I apologize to my imaginary fans for my long absense?
Will they forgive me?
Do I still have a witticism or two to share?
Is blogging passe now?
Is it vain to blog?
Can I keep this template under control?
Mostly I just want to return to a hobby I started to amuse myself then I neglected for far too long.
Stay tuned..........
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
10:49 PM
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Foul Weather And Foul Moods Afoot

As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
12:09 AM
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Who Says Frivolity Can't Be Frugal?
Mirrored Op ArtThis modern 3 dimensional sculpture by Kenneth Wingardplays with light and shape in a way that can make a room. This glittering piece of wall art is made of dozens of mirrors attached to moveable wires. This sculpture is perfect for above a bed, sofa or any blank wall that needs some "pop". This Op Art sculpture measures 25" on diameter. Wall mounting included. |
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
12:11 AM
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It's Like a Game of I Spy!!
I Spy with my little eye.........
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
8:21 AM
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Crashing Against the Rocks.......
To Anyone Left Who is Remotely Interested.........
As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
1:33 PM
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Rare times on the Ship

As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
12:42 AM
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As Told To All By
Blackbeard's Wyfe
5:33 PM
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